Are We Conditioned For Failure?

I hate to ruin your excuse. Failure does not fuel your hesitation, success may be to blame

Tyler Zimmerman
6 min readJun 21, 2021
Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash

Failure is the easy way out; you have all the excuses you want or the situations that make you fail. Whether a business idea, creative venture or something as simple as making dinner for the family. When you fail, you can blame anything, everything, or someone. You could put it on yourself, but that would take humility and courage, and god forbid we teach anyone to take ownership any longer.

Failure is the key to all things. If my YouTube page fails, I didn’t have the right equipment, the right set, or enough money to make it great. Excuses can be used for everything we do. Failure is easy, I have failed at many things, and it can take an extreme amount of effort; it can also take zero effort because you never try.

The other day I was driving through the beautiful mountains of Washington and Oregon listening to a book from Steven Pressfield. The book was Turning Pro, and may I suggest it for anyone wanting to do anything in this life. It was a quick listen, and the biggest lesson I got out of it was doing the work.

Let me say that again: Do the work.

Whether it is good or bad, you will eventually learn something from putting your butt in…



Tyler Zimmerman

Creating my own life through words / Self-Improvement / Life observationist / Adventurer / Find more content @