Be The Person Your Younger Self Needed

We Have All Had The Thought

Tyler Zimmerman
4 min readJan 27, 2021
Photo by Marco Secchi on Unsplash

We have all thought back at one point or another and had the thought, “if only I could go back and do it all over again.” If you take the opposite side of that coin and think that if you did go back and change it would you be having the insight in to your life at that very moment with the opportunity to change it.

When you have those thoughts it is very important to realize that you are having those thoughts because you are at a point in your life where you need to change something. It could be a small adjustment or it could possibly be a major life overhaul, either way you’re having that thought because you are questioning the direction in which you are headed. As a parent we have the opportunity each and every day to direct and shape the lives of our children. What kind of people they are, how they respond to adversity, how they may deal with change. Of course there are plenty of things that society will also teach them and good or bad the culture is constantly changing and so are our kids. Instead of thinking about you going back and having a do over, think about the change that you want in your life as to influence how your children grow up. Show them what change looks like. Be the role model that they crave. Be inspiring so that they want to be like you. Be the person that you needed when you were…



Tyler Zimmerman

Creating my own life through words / Self-Improvement / Life observationist / Adventurer / Find more content @