Inspired By My Own Thought, Interesting

If I inspired myself, could it work for someone else?

Tyler Zimmerman
6 min readNov 27, 2021
Photo by Keegan Houser on Unsplash

At first, I thought that there was no way I could possibly write something that other people wanted to read; the more I read, the more I realized that the people writing the things I was reading were just like me, and I wanted to do that too. Off I went, taking my future into my own hands to create something from nothing.

Two years ago, I had a couple of published articles on my own web page that was very rudimentary. A couple of graphics, a cool logo that I had designed, and some words. Not knowing that the love for words and the idea to express me could be a sort of therapy. Mainly for me, but if it could resonate with someone else and inspire them to stick with their goals or follow that idea down the path to fruition, then maybe I was on to something.

That is all this really is, pages of expression put out for you to take or leave. It really doesn’t matter to me because tomorrow I will be in this same chair writing more words down and will share them with you again. See the results is not the goal; creating the habit and doing the work is the goal. As I mentioned before, the outcome you choose to partake in, I have no say.

If I can leave you with one piece of advice in this short and concise note, it would…



Tyler Zimmerman

Creating my own life through words / Self-Improvement / Life observationist / Adventurer / Find more content @