Ukraine — A Guiding Light

Ukraine is showing the world what it takes to be free

Tyler Zimmerman
3 min readMar 2, 2022
Photo by Tina Hartung on Unsplash

After looking at some of the stats for the last piece of writing I did, the average view time was about 1.5 minutes, which got me thinking.

If I could publish more and make my articles short, sweet, and to the point, I might be of better service. With that being said, I wanted to post one more concise and simple piece before I dump my head back into the school books and finish up this bachelor’s degree. I am sure everyone here thought I was getting my doctorate based upon the unrelenting educational experience that I provide. Still, I regret to tell you that I am only a simpleton.

I haven’t put much thought down on paper regarding this Russia/Ukraine war that has recently been inundating our hearts and minds. As we watch the pictures and social media feeds come into our warm and riskless living rooms here in the US.

I have no idea what it must be like over there, nor would I ever be able to imagine that situation unless I was in it myself. With that being said, I can’t help but wonder what it would be like if something like that happened here?

I realize the geographic nature of our country prohibits this kind of thing from happening, but what if it was our government that waged war against the people. The…



Tyler Zimmerman

Creating my own life through words / Self-Improvement / Life observationist / Adventurer / Find more content @